Business card factory

So I've spent the bank holiday getting ready for my degree show, LEXICON (see below). I ordered some rubber stamps and and lots of yellow card for my business cards.
The idea is that you take a card with my details on and use one of the wooden stamps to print a message on the reverse. These messages are from my Intervening the everyday project. So after cutting and stamping 250 little cards I'm eager to see whether my idea will be a popular one.

Lexicon degree show

Well this week brings my degree show LEXICON at Truman Brewery, Brick Lane in London.
Come along from Friday 29th May until Monday 1st June, 10am - 7pm.
Take a look at my work on the official LEXICON website. I'm also represented at the Free Range website.
The skull symbol was designed by fellow student Phoebe Richardson


This is the second press release for work I've been involved in for
Minotaur, a Pixies boxset with all new artwork including an over sized
72 page book.The work is all Art Directed by Vaughan Oliver who
designed all the original Pixies artwork. Simon Larbalestier the
original photographer has done a new set of photographs for Minotaur.

Kim Deal, Joey Santiago and Dave Lovering from Pixes are all
interviewed on the video, along with Vaughan Oliver and
Simon Larbalestier. More information at Artists in Residence
Exciting stuff!

Intervening the everyday

I like helping people, and I like to help people feel better, so I set out to create positivity for the people around me. 

I wanted to steal a moment from their routine to show them that they can feel happier, better more optimistic, that there are reasons to smile. I wanted these moments to come from them, from their emotions and feelings in response to something I had given them. I did this by creating messages for them to see.

I started with a few posters that developed at a fast pace adding new messages and concepts. I had a camera by my side and a pile of posters ready to go up at all times. The initial interest in my posters inspired me to find new ways of intervening and intercepting the everyday in my neighbourhood. I designed stickers, badges and business cards. These designed pieces spread my messages to people by giving them something different and questionable. 

When my community became Barcelona I took it there. I measured and documented the intervention though photography and created a book of my photographs and the stories behind the images.

Lexicon invitation

One of my proposed invitations for my degree show titled Lexicon, which means the language of a particular group. Printed using 11pt Garamond in metal type. 
The show is part of Free Range and opens on Friday 29th May until Monday 1st June. It's in the Truman  Brewery (F Block, Room T1) on Brick Lane in London. Come along!

Cut it out

Here is the beginning of something new.